Angular Ivy – The Next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline for Angular applications

Angular Ivy is the next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline for Angular applications. It was introduced with Angular version 9 and represents a significant improvement over the previous View Engine. Ivy offers various benefits, including improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better debugging, enhanced template type checking, and more flexible component APIs. Let’s delve into these aspects in detail, along with an example to illustrate the advantages of Ivy.

1. Improved Performance:

  • Smaller Bundle Sizes: Ivy generates smaller and more efficient bundles compared to the View Engine. This leads to faster application loading times and improved performance, especially on low-bandwidth or mobile devices.
  • Faster Compilation: Ivy features a more efficient compilation process, resulting in faster build times during development and shorter time-to-interactivity for users.

2. Enhanced Debugging:

  • Better Template Error Messages: Ivy provides clearer and more actionable error messages for template-related issues, making it easier for developers to identify and fix errors in their code.
  • Improved Source Maps: Ivy generates more accurate source maps, which aids in debugging and understanding the relationship between the source code and the generated output.

3. Improved Template Type Checking:

  • Strict Template Mode: Ivy introduces stricter template type checking, which helps catch errors at compile-time rather than at runtime. This results in more robust and maintainable code, as developers can identify type-related issues early in the development process.

4. More Flexible Component APIs:

  • Local Template Variables: Ivy allows developers to use local template variables with the let syntax directly in templates, without the need for intermediate template variables declared in component classes.
  • Dynamic Imports: Ivy enables dynamic imports of components and modules, which can help reduce initial bundle sizes by lazy-loading parts of the application only when needed.


Let’s consider an example to demonstrate some of the benefits of Angular Ivy. Suppose we have a simple Angular component that displays a list of items fetched from an API:

// item.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ItemService } from './item.service';

  selector: 'app-item-list',
  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ }}</li>
export class ItemListComponent {
  items: any[];

  constructor(private itemService: ItemService) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.itemService.getItems().subscribe(items => {
      this.items = items;

With Ivy, Angular can optimize this component more efficiently:

  • Smaller bundle sizes due to Ivy’s tree-shaking capabilities.
  • Faster compilation and improved build times during development.
  • Enhanced template error messages and type checking, providing better feedback to developers.

By leveraging Ivy’s features, Angular applications can benefit from improved performance, better debugging capabilities, and more maintainable code.

Overall, Angular Ivy represents a significant advancement in the Angular ecosystem, offering developers a more efficient and productive development experience while delivering faster and more robust applications.